Sonofield Ear Trainer screenshot

Sonofield Ear Trainer

Sonofield Ear Trainer (SET) is a revolutionary app designed to help you intuitively play the melodies you hear and imagine. Instead of relying on traditional methods, The Sonofield Method focuses on helping you feel the unique character of each note within a key. By using sustained drones to create a tonal foundation, you’ll learn to recognize scale degrees based on their feeling, not just how they sound.

The app offers a variety of ways to do ear training:

Why is Sonofield Ear Trainer the best ear training app?

With its intuitive, color-coded interface, thoughtfully designed progression path, and multiple difficulty levels, SET adapts to your skill level while keeping practice engaging. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced musician, SET is your guide to unlocking true musical fluency through intuitive, feeling-based ear training.